Call Us + 02555-223665 / 225995

Dr. Daulatrao Gangurde+ 9422754720/9604429677

Chairman's Message

Education is basic right for every child and student. For this basic right we launched our education system in such a way that every child in our area will get opportunity for education. Our education system intention is not just to restrict itself to bookish knowledge only but also to get human values like wisdom, compassion, courage, humility, integrity and reliability in each student.

At Mona Education Society we provide education which brings self confidence, motivation and ever ready to take up challenges for each student. Our campus has got big sports and academic facilities. In order to provide quality education, we always focus on providing continuous teacher training.

We are confident that our school is the best place for your child. We always welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress and activities of your child. We look forward to your continuous support.